Projects I’m working on

  1. Precision cat watering device
  2. 3D printed RC plane – Spitfire

Open source circuit printer

The first project was one I have been working on since 2020, a 3D printer for electrical circuits. There are no open source circuit printers available, and I want to make one. makes a fantastic commercial option, but I want an open source option. I love home creation tools, and they have gotten pretty sophisticated in the past few years. Home CNC mills, 3D printers, laser cutters, etc, the options have greatly increased for home creation tools.

Precision cat watering device

The second project I wanted to do for a few reasons. I wanted to learn some new skills and demonstrate my current ones. This project will help me learn a combination of real time video processing with the TensorRT framework from Nvidia, and afterwards use reinforcement learning to automatically tune a PID loop. I’m using the Nvidia jetson for video processing, and decided not to design a turret myself initially. This project requires mechanical design, electrical design, and software skills.

3D printed RC plane

The 3D printed RC plane is just for fun. I didn’t design this, buy your own here: I fly RC planes on the weekend and love the promise of creating planes at home from scratch, and making replacement parts on-demand.

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